S2S CADAVER LAB VRP Plate – 20 September 24

Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena Via del Pozzo, 71, Modena, Italy

Hosting Surgeon Prof. Tarallo This course is designed to provide an opportunity for trainee surgeons to test themselves on anatomical preparations with the VRP Plate.  Our highly experienced Speakers are excited to share their experience through theoretical discussion and practical activity.

S2S RSB Calcaneo Stop – 4 December 24

Casa di Cura Villa Chiara Via Porrettana, 170, Casalecchio di Reno, BO, Italy

Hosting Surgeon Dr. Mosca; This is a 1-day course dedicated to the discussion of techniques, pathologies and particular cases concerning foot surgery and includes a live surgery session in which partecipants can follow step by step the surgical procedere for the treatment of pediatric flat foot with our RSB Calcaneo Stop.